Name (In Real Life) :Aidan
In Game Name :buffaloobill
Rank on Server :camper
Age :I don't really feel comfortable giving out this personal information.
Timezone : Central.
What are some good traits of a Moderator? Why are these traits important to exercise?:A good trait of a moderator is how he disciplines people that are violating the rules. A terrible one would instant ban, a good one would probably mute/ban depending on the rule they violated. Also, a big one is how often they play. I personally, can play for quite a while on weekdays, and even more on weekends. Another is his/her cooperation with the faculty. If they are being disrespectful of the other staff, that probably wouldn't be such a great moderator. Last is their skills with plugins and commands. Lets face it, you can't hire a mod that doesn't have any knowledge on a plugin or command, they'll be ABSOLUTELY terrible. Me personally, I think I'm great with commands and can get the job done swiftly and without ease.
Explain to us why you are capable being this rank on the server and why you should earn it? : A big one is responsibility and trustworthiness. I'm VERY trusted of anything from creative to possessing a command that could leave the server in danger. Once you know me, you can trust me with potentially anything. My responsibility is more than average, unless we're all playing around which I am probably going the have the most fun haha. I'm also capable of it since I think I'm worthy of this rank and can drastically improve the faculty and be an excellent addition when a owner/admin is offline.
Moderation Experience, where have you been staff prior to this, or where are you currently in a Staff Team? Do not try and lie about your experience. (Do not include server IPs Or Instance deny ) : I have been in many servers, I was trusted with op, ownership, and many more which I have forgotten. But I know I have been mod/admin before, just not exactly sure how many times but I'm positive I have been a mod
How long have you been playing on Hidden Gem Craft :1 day
Do you have Skype? If so, are you able to participate in staff meetings or private calls? :\ Yes I do
What can you provide or bring to Hidden Gem Craft that all of these other applicants cannot? : My knowledge of commands and trustworthiness. these are traits that I have obtained and will not let go of.
Additional Information, ( e.g, building skills, plugin skills, siblings that play on server, etc. ) :I have high building skills, and plugin knowledge.
Any question ask? : i'll get my Skype to you on server