Name (In Real Life) : Michael
[color=#FF0000]In Game Name : DeadSilentNinja
Rank on Server : I currently have no rank since you are currently in the progress of making them.
Age : 15 years of age.
Timezone : Eastern Standard I believe.
What are some good traits of a Moderator? Why are these traits important to exercise?: To be respectful and always try to make things better than what they were before. I believe it's important to treat people how you would like to be treated. Respect can get you far in life.
Explain to us why you are capable being this rank on the server and why you should EARN it? : Well, I have experience in being staff on different types of servers including a prison server. I am very active(everyday) and always here to help. I should earn the privilege to be apart of the staff because I'm fit for the job.
Moderation Experience, where have you been staff prior to this, or where are you currently in a Staff Team? Do not try and lie about your experience. (Do not include server IPs Or Instance deny ) :CookieCraft, TempusRealms, Asap's Sevrer
How long have you been playing on Hidden Gem Craft : 3-4 days and am pretty cool with Ivory and Ed
Do you have Skype? If so, are you able to PARTICIPATE in staff meetings or private calls? : Yes my Skype is Graphicmods
What can you provide or bring to Hidden Gem Craft that all of these other APPLICANTS cannot? : Trust and quality.
Additional Information, ( e.g, building skills, plugin skills, siblings that play on server, etc. ) : Well my best friend might come and play with me. I can learn plugins if needed. I'm alright at building(in my opinion).
Any question ask? : Did you like my application?