Name (In Real Life) :Kyle
In Game Name :Morgan421
Rank on Server :Nothing
Age :18
Timezone :Central time
What are some good traits of a Moderator? Why are these traits important to exercise?:Kick Toxic Players, Mute Advertisers, Ban hacks. These are good Traits to have as a moderator to keep the Server Friendly.
Explain to us why you are capable being this rank on the server and why you should earn it? :Because i am on Minecraft basically ever day and being helper on a fun friendly server would just add to my minecraft fun.
Moderation Experience, where have you been staff prior to this, or where are you currently in a Staff Team? Do not try and lie about your experience. (Do not include server IPs Or Instance deny ) : Head-Admin Frenzey Factions.
How long have you been playing on Hidden Gem Craft : As soon as it openned
Do you have Skype? If so, are you able to participate in staff meetings or private calls? : Yes
What can you provide or bring to Hidden Gem Craft that all of these other applicants cannot? : Responsibility
Additional Information, ( e.g, building skills, plugin skills, siblings that play on server, etc. ) :
HydraulicsMc Irl Friend, Buy/Sell Signs
Any question ask? :