Name (In Real Life) : Joost
In Game Name : Joost_mhw
Rank on Server :member
Age : 15
Timezone : +1
What are some good traits of a Moderator? Why are these traits important to exercise?:
Being respectful. Kind. Helpfull. Active. Helping everyonre equally. Which comes to being fair. Also not abusing your position for cheating or killing
Explain to us why you are capable being this rank on the server and why you should earn it? : i havent been on very long to be fair but i like the people i met and the server in general. I helped a bit already by giving tips for the shop. Exp bottles and i like to do it
I have been an very active and helpful admin in the past and have recently started playing online again
Moderation Experience, where have you been staff prior to this, or where are you currently in a Staff Team? Do not try and lie about your experience. (Do not include server IPs Or Instance deny ) : i have been on a couple of friend servers and last on the old cowlcraft server
How long have you been playing on Hidden Gem Craft : to be honest not long. Dont know when this is read though
Do you have Skype? If so, are you able to participate in staff meetings or private calls? :\ yes i am when im at home
What can you provide or bring to Hidden Gem Craft that all of these other applicants cannot? : experience in all types of ways. From being an admin till building if neede. Mostly with redstone. Im very active and wish to play on the server more